Some Republicans allow themselves to see some insidious meaning in Barack Obama's middle name - Hussein. It's used as a kind of code at rallies, as we saw recently in Florida when Sheriff Mike Scott introduced Sarah Palin at a rally. The idea is that Obama's true loyalties reside within his middle name. It's clearly a bad idea, in this time of national danger, to allow a man with this middle name to lead the war on terror. The Moose Goose Gazette thinks having Obama in charge during the war on terror would be as bad as having a guy with a Native American middle name be commanding general during the Indian Wars of the late nineteenth century (William TECUMSEH Sherman). Or as bad as having a man with a German last name lead the armies against Hitler (Dwight David EISENHOWER). Or to have a man with an Arabic last name lead the fight against Al Qaeida in Afghanistan and Iraq (John ABIZAID). A curious person may wonder why, of these and other examples, only Barack Obama is being portrayed in a suspicious light.
The point is this: conservatives have plenty of policy differences with Barack Obama to justify not voting for him. Demonizing him on top of these legitimate issues only promotes divisiveness, stunts honest debate, and is ultimately harmful to our country.
The point is this: conservatives have plenty of policy differences with Barack Obama to justify not voting for him. Demonizing him on top of these legitimate issues only promotes divisiveness, stunts honest debate, and is ultimately harmful to our country.
I understand the spirit in which you deliver your theory that having a person with the name of the enemy is not a smart idea. However, I respectfully submit it may be a good thing. If what people need are images and feelings of comfort in their leaders then having someone who they perceive as being able to best relate to those who would harm us while having his/her allegiance to us would be an advantage. The point in all of this is the USA is still at a crossroads in dealing with race and releasing the grip it has had on the country for hundreds of years. The thought that having a different person with a different religion or non-religion in charge would somehow thrust us all into the abyss is craziness. We have to embrace our differences and open up to the idea that someone else may know how to do it a lot better than those in the past have done. I mean come on how much worse could Obama mess this country up than Bush already has? Seriously, the only way we have to go is up.
Thanks for the platform. I'd love to reciprocate.
"Sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me!" Its old, its still true.
People are stupid. One of the amazing facts I have discovered in my 57 years.
Damn good post!
Thanks for the comments! Chicago Jedi - I appreciate the tone of your comment. In the end we agree. Your comment restates the intent of my original post, and I may tweak it to make it more clear. Argentum Vulgaris, thanks for the encouraging words.
Chicago Jedi, I believe you and Moose Goose are on the same page, reread what is written.
It's very clear to me that the writer believes Obama's middle name should have no bearing on his ability to execute the office of President. The Republicans are using his middle name to incite fear and to promote an association with terrorists that doesn't exist.
Keith, once again, an excellent post! I've forwarded this and hopefully people will begin to see this tactic is ludicrous and has no place in our political process.
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